Thursday, February 20, 2020

January 2020!!! meeting recap

We began our meeting with thank you gifts for our outgoing co-presidents Jamee and Janneke. Thank you so much for two years of your hard work!
1 thank you

We followed with beginning to distribute another round of donated stuff from our friends at Drop (f/k/a MassDrop). So many cool notions and tools!
2 freebies

Lori told the story of how our 2019 QuiltCon Charity Quilt, Mod-Bot, was sold at silent auction for FIVE. THOUSAND. DOLLARS. Truly amazing. 

This month's raffle prize was potholders, won by Lee!
3 raffle

The Guild Bee made improv stripe blocks for Christine.
4 guild bee

We had some more discussion about the Do 52 project and members showed their progress.
5 do526 do52
7 do528 do52
9 do52

Show and Tell!
10 show and tell11 show and tell
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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

December 2019 meeting recap

Continued apologizing for the lateness of this post! But here, finally, is what happened in our December meeting..

First up, our Holiday Swap! The rules were that you had to make a home decor type item with a holiday theme. It was a "yankee swap" style game - so there was quite a bit of stealing and shuffling around. I did miss some items in my photos because of that - sorry! But here's most of it:
01 swap02 swap
03 swap04 swap
05 swap06 swap
07 swap08 swap
09 swap10 swap
11 swap12 swap
13 swap14 swap
15 swap16 swap

The Guild Bee made wonky TV blocks for Maureen
17 guild bee

The participants in Jamee's FAN-tastic Wedge Workshop showed their projects
18 fan-tastic wedge class

And then, because December is what it is, we had tons and tons of people participating in Show and Tell! omg look at all of this
19 show and tell20 show and tell
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35 show and tell

And finally, Lee made these gifts for her fellow board members as they finish out their terms. How sweet. (And thanks for all the meeting minutes!)
36 board gifts from lee