Bee quilts are due at the May 8 meeting if you want to be included in the prize drawing. We are having a spring theme pillow/pillow cover challenge for the June meeting. We'll be discussing pillows at the May meeting but you can get started on it now!
Some other events of possible interest: two of our members will be vending at Handmade Hopewell on Seminary Ave on Sunday, May 5, 10am-4pm. There will be a quilt show on Saturday, May 18th, in Toll Gate Grammar School during Pennington Day. Admission is $1.
This month the Guild Bee made blocks for Neva.

We showed our crumb blocks for the Improv QAL.

Then we had a Make Do Swap. Participants chose a bag of scraps at random (no peeking!) last month, and then used the scraps to make a small project for the swap.

We asked Elaine to give a trunk show of her journey as a quiltmaker.

And last but not least, Show and Tell!