Then we presented a thank you gift to Neva, our president for the previous two years. Jess L coordinated the project, sewn by the members of the guild. Thank you Neva, for all your hard work!

Fabric was distributed for this year's Pantone Color of the Year challenge. The fabric was donated by The Sewing Room in Doylestown, PA. Thank you! The 18x18" mini quilts will be due in August.
Jamee and Janneke gave us a preview of the things we'll be doing at our upcoming meetings.
May is when the dot fabric challenge table runners are due. There will also be a Clean House event, which is like a swap event for notions, books, tools etc. related to quilting - but NO fabric.
In June we're going to have a Sampler Fair - four or five volunteers will each have a station where they teach fifteen minute lessons on a subject, repeated a few times through the meeting so that everyone will have a chance to visit and learn. Jamee has already volunteered to teach how to face a quilt. We are looking for members to volunteer for the rest.
In July we won't have a formal meeting, but another party!
The Modern FMQ Quilt-A-Long participants showed their work:

What we saw for Show and Tell..

And finally, two months of Guild Bee blocks!
First, the bee made blocks for Kristina for March.

April's blocks were for Janneke.

See you next month!