First we'd like to remind members that April 1 is the deadline for submitting quilts to be displayed at PNQE. You should have an email from Jamee with a link to a form to fill out.
This meeting was the due date for finished quilts from last year's Modern Free Motion Quilting Quilt-a-long. The big reveal:

QuiltCon was held February 21-24 in Nashville. Some of our members who attended gave a report of the exhibits, workshops, lectures, and vendors. Next year's QuiltCon will be in Austin and in 2021 it will be held in Atlanta.
For this month's Guild Bee, participants made water themed blocks of their choice for Jamee.

This month's activity was a Modern Solids Yankee Swap. Participants put five solid fat quarters in an opaque bag or wrapper. Each person in turn opened a package or stole an already opened one from another person. It was a lot of fun! Celebrate getting to keep your goods, mourn the loss as your gift is stolen..

Michele and Lori both talked about two local charities looking for quilt donations for babies. Please contact them if you are interested!
For this month's Improv Quilt-a-long, the theme was "strips and stripes."

And finally, our favorite, Show and Tell: