After our February meeting was cancelled due to weather (related: is it spring yet?), we were all raring to meet for our March meeting, led by the new executive board. Jamee and Janneke, our new co-presidents, did a great job leading their first meeting! Christine, our new treasurer, gave a treasurer's report, and Lee, our secretary, took the minutes.
Some business:
- The Spring quilt retreat was very well attended, and there will be another from Nov. 2-4 at the same hotel with 16 spots open at a later day. Mark your calendar now.
- Lori will be collecting fabric and batting scraps to recycle, so bring them to meetings from now on. Thank you, Lori!
- Lindsay is still collecting blocks for the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild.
- Guild challenge due in May: table-runner sized quilts (10-12” X 36”) that must feature a
polka dot and be described as “modern aesthetic"
- We will be having a guild Pantone Color Challenge starting in April - The Sewing Room in Doylestown donated a bolt of Kona Bright Periwinkle to be distributed to guild members (see picture above, with Jamee!). Thank you!
- Two upcoming workshops - get Christine Johnston's mailing address off Bigtent and mail her a check if you'd like to take one of these fast-filling classes:
- Workshop: Let's Get Tanked up
on the Drunkard's Path, by Jamee
Pemberton, at the Neshanic Reformed Church,
Hillsborough, on Saturday,
May 19, from 10AM-4PM. Cost is $30 for
members, $40 for non-members. Registration sign up
is now open. Non-members sign up starts March 15.
- Workshop: Coming Full Circle,
by Sarah Bond at the Neshanic Reformed Church,
Hillsborough, on Saturday,
June 2, 2018 from 9AM-4PM. Cost is $40 for
members, $50 for non-members. Registration sign up
is now open. Non-Members sign up starts March 15.

We shared our quilt sandwiches for both February and March for the
Modern Free Motion Quilt Along (QAL), and drew prizes for those who participated. Everyone is doing fantastic work! Thank you to Jamee for gathering this month's prizes. April's theme is Curves and Waves - check the
QAL Google doc for more info.
Guild Bee: We shared blocks made for Lindsay's bee quilt (see above), and Janneke handed out her fabric and directions for this month.
Show and Tell:
Janneke also gave out bags for all of us to make our own Valentine/friendship small stuffed hearts. She hangs hers on doorknobs in her home. How thoughtful!
See you in April! Hopefully there won't be any surprise snow storms.
-Posted by Jess Skultety - thanks to Lee Burnham for the minutes (which were referenced for this post) and Laura Bennett for pictures