Member reminders: Our next meeting will be Wednesday January 11th at Hopewell Presbyterian Church.
Members who sign up for the Pantone color of the year challenge by January 11th will receive one half yard of Kona Lime at the March meeting. You can send an email to be added to the list of participants. If you aren't sure if you already signed up, there's a list in the "News" section of Bigtent.
We wanted to thank Jan of Pennington Quilt Works for hosting us over our first years as a guild. As membership has grown, we'll be moving to a larger space for 2017. Thank you, Jan, for everything you've done for us!

The NewBee brought in the blocks they made for Beth. They're hashtag blocks! #awesome

Here are some of our members' blocks for the MQG's Block of the Month.

December was the final month of our Patchwork City Quilt-A-Long!

At the break, we had a brown bag swap. Members brought in a brown paper bag filled with three fat quarters and their favorite quilting tool. There was a lot of laughter during the swap. Thanks to Cheryl for organizing!

After the break, member Christina gave us a demo on how to do quilt-as-you-go. Thank you Christina!

Member Meg brought in the quilts she had purchased in this year's Quilt Alliance auction.

We had one of our biggest Show and Tell sessions of the year!

See you in January with our annual Secret Quilter Swap!