Sunday, September 27, 2015

October Meeting Invitation

Please join us for the October Meeting!
Guests welcome, as always! Please see our guest policy here.
Members can RSVP here.

Tuesday, October 13
6:30 optional shop/social time, 7-9:30 meeting time
Pennington Quilt Works, Pennington, NJ

-Demo: Reverse Machine Applique with Neva

-Challenge: Make something (or show something) that uses only two colors (can be different shades)

-Recap: PNQE exhibit/give back all of your quilts!
-Recap: Quilters Take Manhattan

-Swap - Scrap dump/swap (bring a gallon bag or two of your scraps and swap for others - must be larger than a 2" square)

-Start the third round of the CJMQG Bee!

-Guild QAL – October blocks

-Show and Tell

-Sign up for the Nov. retreat!

See you then!

-Jess S.