Friday, July 24, 2015

August Meeting Invitation

Please join us for our August Meeting!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
6:30 optional shop/social time, 7-9:30 meeting time
Pennington Quilt Works, Pennington, NJ
Guests welcome, as always! Please see our guest policy on the "About" tab above.

-Bring all quilts for the PNQE Exhibit to be sent out at the end of August. We must have all the quilts at this meeting! An email will be going out later this month with more info.

-Challenge: Cirrus Solids Mini Quilt Challenge sponsored by Cloud 9 Fabrics - due!

-Fabric postcard showcase by Susan F.


-Guild QAL – July and August blocks

-Show and Tell

See you then!
-Jess S.