We had a discussion topic of your favorite hobbies besides quilting, and while the answers varied widely, the clear winner among the group was reading.
Jamee gave us a report on the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show in Sisters, Oregon that was held in July, and Cheryl told us about finding The San Francisco Quilt Shop in Mexico.
We had tons and tons of things to see in Show & Tell. Take a look:

August's theme in the Modern FMQ QAL was flowers and petals. After everyone showed their quilting, Elaine and Jess S gave a demo on how to join your quilt-as-you-go panels. I didn't take any pictures but everything you need to know is in the post linked here! Here are our participants' flowers and petals:

The Guild Bee had two sets of blocks to hand in this month. First up, flag blocks for Linda, and then winged square blocks for Jess S.

Finally, it was time for our Pantone Color of the Year Challenge reveal! but I am putting that in a separate post ;)