Our May meeting was packed (with people, quilts, and activities)!

Upcoming Events
- Reminder: There is no regular June meeting! Paid members can attend a free lecture by Angela Walters, a modern machine quilter and author - Fri., June 14, 7-8:30 pm, at Pennington Quilt Works. Mark your calendar now and PLEASE RSVP so we know how many to expect!
- Modern Machine Quilting Workshop with Angela Walters - Sunday, June 16 from 1-5 pm at Bryne Sewing Connection in Doylestown, PA. We still have plenty of space - $55 for members, $75 for non-members. Please email the account ASAP if you are interested! (and if you've paid, you can RSVP here).
- July Sewcial - Saturday, July 6, free, 9 am - 6 pm in Hopewell - come sew with us! :) See this BigTent post for more info. Only 2 spots left (up to 12). Please RSVP if you can definitely attend.
1. Icebreaker - we discussed which sewing skills we're particularly proud of mastering. Answers ranged from binding, to free motion quilting, to color choosing, and everything in between!
2. We will let you know when the info goes up for the Philadelphia Sew Down, which is run by the national Modern Quilt Guild.
3. We started a freebie bin - Neva is in charge! Bring any kind of fabric or tools you don't want anymore, and anyone at the meeting can claim them.
4. We kicked off our guild bee with Laura and Linda. All who are participating received fabric and instructions - blocks will be shared at our next meeting, which is in July (in case you needed another reminder :) ).
5. I explained my inspiration behind making a guild banner:

Both pictures are from Flickr
We will be recreating our blog banner, with our own modern style member blocks pieced around it. Fabric will be provided in July - we're looking at different tones of green, blue, and a hint of orange. Blocks are due in August (I have to figure out the measurements so for now, forget the 8x8" I mentioned at the meeting). If you are a member and did not already tell me you'd like to contribute a block, please email me! So excited to work on this! We have 26+ volunteers already!
Our president Jessica gave a demo on machine binding. I will be doing a separate post on her tips.
Links discussed at the meeting:
Finally, we had show and tell.
Thanks for another great meeting - see you for the June lecture!
-Jess S.