- If you haven't done so already, please bring your dues for 2014 ($50) to the January meeting! Looking forward to a great year!
- Membership pins are in - if you didn't get one in December, we'll have one for you in Jan. Any new members will get them next year.
- I (Jess S.) distributed a survey at the Dec. meeting about 2013 and suggestions for 2014 - I will bring more to the Jan. meeting for members to complete. This helps us plan for the new year - thanks!
- If you are interested in being on the ballot for the new year's officers (President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer), please email the account (centraljerseymqg(at)gmail(dot)com) ASAP. So far all current officers are running unopposed (though Jess and Jess are running for opposite positions). Elections will be in January. Please email me if you are interested in being the guild bee chair (take over/run it), events chair (help us plan events, arrange guest speakers and instructors), or philanthropy chair. We could really use your help!
- Secret Quilter Gift Exchange - papers were given out at the December meeting - please bring your gift wrapped with the person's name on it (though not your name), and in a bag - we will try to guess who the sewist is. This event was wildly popular last January!
- Information about our Guild Quilt-A-Long (QAL) for 2014 can be found on this post. The first blocks will be due at the January meeting!* (*does not mean you have to make all of them!). This QAL is laid back and is meant to get everyone working on the same quilt with their own choices of fabrics and blocks. You can choose not to participate if you wish (no registrations, no stress, no finish, no worries)! Of course, we'd love to see as many people participating as possible and sharing their progress!
- Please enjoy our giveaway/freebie table at meetings - thanks, Neva, for taking the responsibility of all items that don't find a new home. Please, no overly large items and please only bring quilt shop quality fabric.
- We are exhibiting our modern quilts at the NJ Quilt Fest from March 6-9! This is a UNIQUE opportunity to exhibit our guild's quilts that we might not have again for a long time. Please submit two pictures of your quilt (a good picture of the front, and a detailed shot of the quilting), plus the title and size of your quilt, to centraljerseymqg(at)gmail(dot)com BY January 3. Quilts should fit the modern aesthetic which means they should be inspired by modern art and design, but all skill levels are welcome. Quilts should include 1 or more of the following criteria:
- lots of negative space
- alternate grid layout
- bold colors
- asymmetry
- minimalism
- solid fabrics
- improvisational piecing (including seams that aren't always straight or even)
- modern traditionalism
- We only have a few submissions, so if you've been wavering or putting it off, PLEASE consider submitting one of your modern quilts! Submissions will be screened by a committee of 5 volunteers from our guild, and there will be a checklist used to evaluate each quilt, based on the above criteria. Thanks!
- Riley Blake MQG Challenge - fabric was distributed and you can bring your quilted item in through February. You can use any brand solids or other Riley Blake prints. The national deadline is Feb. 17. You can use the following to share your creation online:
- To show your process photos and see those of others:
- To show your final product and officially enter the competition:
- Use the hashtag #mqgrileyblakechallenge on Instagram
- Sewcial at Hopewell Train Station - tentatively Sun. Jan. 12, 9 am - 6 pm - room for 13 max. Look for an email - first come, first served.
- First meeting of the year! Tuesday, January 14, 2013
First, we talked about the goals we had for 2014. Many people stated that they wanted to finish up WIPs or UFOs. Some said they wanted to do more "selfish" sewing with no deadlines (I personally couldn't agree more!).
- Our own Meg Cox gave a very informative, eye-opening lecture/demonstration on how to take the best photos of your quilts. She offers this lecture in more detail to groups.
- We shared completed bee blocks.
For Sandy
For Carol
- Spotlight on Christina - she shared her journey of making quilts. This year, she finished upwards of 30! Wow!

Show and Tell, Riley Blake Challenge:
Neva again!
January Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2013
Pennington Quilt Works, 7-9:30
- Officer Elections
- Distribution of more End of the Year surveys
- Challenge: Riley Blake
- Secret Quilter Gift Exchange (see "News" above for more info)
- Share any blocks from Guild QAL (goal: make 6 to start)
- More TBA!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
-Jess S.